I’m just gonna make this update as short as possible since im uploading this from my cell phone. Apologies in advance if there are some problems.After the week I’ve gone through, I pretty much relate with Fyre… Although I backed up most of my data, I realized while transferring to the new hard disk that i bought that some important stuff got corrupted during the backup. Tis pretty much includes 30 pages of another web comic series I’ve been working on & might have to redo.I’m still hoping there is someway to recover it from the crashed disk is some miracle happens. Anyway troubles aside, enjoy today’s page. Due to all this chaos in the last two weeks I apologize to my patrons on Patreon for not keeping yp with th early updates. I’ll get back on track as soon as & make up for it.

A big thanks to our newest Patron Scott & to everyone who has been supporting the comic monetarily so far. For those of you who want to help support my comic in whatever way possible you can contribute towards my Patreon at www.patreon.com/jazylh…Once all this is sorted I’m planning to update it not only specifically to The Beast Legion but also towards my other artworks by sharing original psds, latest artwork in hi rez & more… Lets see…

Also Please don’t forget to vote for the comic at…http://www.topwebcomics.com/vote/10947/default.aspx Every single vote helps.