The long awaited character bio pages are finally up. I’ll be constantly adding characters & expanding the bios as the comic moves along. I hope you enjoy them.

Also we The ‘Purchase’ button on the top is finally active. Now you can buy all the issues available so far including issue 5. All Issues come with an exclusive pin-up that is only limited to the print version as well as the various covers done my the Awesome artists. All proceeds from the manga go into keeping the site updated & the comic running. Initial;l we had only Indyplanet who used to carry the books. This option can be used by International buyers. But just a few weeks back we partnered with who will be circulating the books for fans here in ‘Asia’ to avoid the shipping overheads.

Hope you have a great experience here & we are still trying to find a way to make navigating the comics a bit easier, but it will take time. I hope you guys will bear with us till then. Take care…